
Feel. Bake. Better.
Emotional Baking
Emotional Baking
drained maple nut granola bars.
I feel emotionally drained, weak, exhausted. Sometimes it’s unavoidable, other times...
Well, other times it’s completely avoidable if you recognize the signs (of a draining situation) and remove yourself from it. That didn’t happen this time, this time I simply wasn’t paying attention…until I was - but too late. Some time has passed, I’m ready to move on. I’m in need of something soulful, filling. I think I’ll bake.
I'm feeling...
something that overrides the mood of the day,
something that’s mouth-watering and deliciously satisfying without being heavy,
something with a tempting scent to fill the air,
something that’s delightfully oatty, maple—y, nutty...
  • I’m drained
  • I’ll bake
  • Maple Nut Granola Bars
  • Sweet, Salty, Irresistible
  • Satisfying
These granola bars are warming and comforting and so needed right now - with a sweet, salty flavour that’s beyond irresistible. They’ll help with the drained feeling.
maple nut granola bars.
Print Recipe
Prep time: 15 minutes, Cook time: 5 minutes, Chill time: 2 hours
Makes: 10 bars
  • 1 tbsp (14 g) unsalted butter
  • 2 tbsp maple syrup
  • 1 cup (140 g) peanuts, roasted and unsalted
  • Pinch of salt
  • 2 ½ cup (236 g) rolled oats, divided
  • 1 ½ cup (54 g) rice krispies
  • 2 tbsp (24 g) brown sugar
  • ¼ cup (56 g) unsalted butter, melted
  • ¼ cup + 3 tbsp honey
  • Pinch of salt
Eating something labelled “irresistible” sounds pretty good right about now…
Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Set aside.
Add the butter and maple syrup to a medium pot set over medium heat and stir until melted, about 1 minute.
Add the salt and the peanuts to the pot, stirring until the peanuts are well-coated, about 2 minutes.
This is nice. I’m getting some distance from feeling drained and moving toward feeling accomplished.
Pour the peanut mixture out of the pot and spread it on the parchment lined cookie sheet. Set aside.
Process one cup of the oats (this will help the granola bars stick together) into a coarse grind and add it to a medium bowl. Then add the rice krispies, the rest (one and a half cups) of the untouched oats. Stir together then set aside.
It’s a bit of work but it’s not complicated.
Bring back the pot you were just using and set it over medium heat. Add the sugar and cook until it’s caramelized, 2 minutes. Add in the butter, honey, and salt, stirring well.
Turn off the heat. Add the oats mixture into the pot and stir until well coated. Set aside.
I feel like I’ve done this before…
Roughly chop the maple coated peanuts from the cookie sheet then add them to the pot with the oat mixture. Stir well.
Line an 8x8 square dish with parchment paper. Pour the oat mixture into the lined dish, pressing down firmly into the tray.
You can eat it now, but it won’t be set. If you wait about 20 minutes, it’ll hold its bar-shape.
Refrigerate until set – about 2 hours. (Note: when eaten directly out of the fridge the bars will be crispy. If after it’s set, it’s left out at room temperature it’ll be a little more on the gooey side, but it’ll still hold together nicely.)
Remove the granola from the tray and cut into bars.
These granola bars are comforting and pleasantly filling with a mix of flavours that work perfectly together. They’re here for you, to help and assist you, as you work toward getting your emotional energy back.
drained maple nut granola bars.
drained maple nut granola bars.
Emotional Baking
Baking can be a lot of things – it can be distracting but simple, it can be movement with focus, it can be whatever you need when you need it. Choose a recipe to fit the mood and it becomes a useful tool as well – baking to quiet the mind, to connect with your emotions, or simply baking to feel emotional. Just think of the feelings you get and the emotions you experience when baking your favourite dessert…. excitement, relief, fulfillment, joy, accomplishment.
At Emotional Baking, our recipes can be the starting point to somewhere - it can lead you to a place of great comfort, one that feels like the beginning of something, something good...
A note for anyone who needs it:
Baking, while wonderful, can only help so much...
If you’re struggling in any way,
If you feel alone or you need help,
Contact your primary care physician or follow the links below to find help in your area. You are never alone!
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Emotional Baking
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