Enjoying the playful mood...
Add the honey to a small pot set over medium-high heat and stir. After a few minutes, the honey will bubble and foam. Cook for 3-5 minutes, until the honey takes on a deep-caramel appearance and scent. Turn the heat to low and VERY slowly add the water, by the tablespoon. This will cause the honey to foam and sputter so be careful! Once all the water has been added, remove the pot from the heat and set aside.
^be “playful” but CAREFUL!
Preheat the oven to 350°F.
Sift the flour, salt, baking soda, and baking powder into a medium bowl and set aside.
In a separate bowl, using an electric mixer beat the oil and sugar together for about a minute. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating at high speed for each, until the mixture is light.
The familiarity of this step fits well with the playfulness in the air.
Stir in the burnt honey, vanilla, and milk.
Oh wow, there’s excitement in the air as the scents combine!!
Fold the dry ingredients into the egg mixture. Stir in the raspberries.
Liberally coat a bundt cake pan with spray oil. Then pour the cake batter into it.
Bake for 55-65 minutes. It’s ready when a skewer inserted into the middle comes out clean.
Let the cake rest in the bundt pan for 10 minutes. Then slowly, holding the edges of the bundt pan, shake it just a little so as to loosen the cake from the pan. Let the cake rest in the pan for an additional 10 minutes.
Turn the cake out of the pan to cool on a wire rack.
This cake is a playful extension of the mood. Share amidst laughter, among friends, after a fun day.